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Massachusetts Statute of Limitation

Injury to Person
3 yrs. Ch. 260 §4

3 yrs. Ch. 260 §4

3 yrs. Ch. 260 §2A

Injury to Personal Property
3 yrs. Ch. 260 §4

Professional Malpractice
3 yrs., max. 7 yrs. (personal injury) Ch. 260 §4

3 yrs. Ch. 260 §2A

Collection of Rents
3 yrs. Ch. 260 §2A

Written: 20 yrs. if under seal; 6 yrs. others Ch. 260 §§1, 2; Oral: 6 yrs. Ch. 260 §2

Collection of Debt on Account
6 yrs. Ch. 260 §2

6 yrs. Ch. 260 §2

Inside Massachusetts Statute of Limitation